Testing Puppet Modules

Here we are!

Finally, the reason your started going through this book in the first place.

If you skipped any of the previous chapters, be aware that I will base this work flow on those tools, design patters and methodologies. If you stayed we me all the way: Thank you! You are a really cool and patient person.

I believe in learning by doing. As such, in the following sections I will put together a couple of simple modules and build them using a Test Driven approach.

We'll start by writing a simple users module compatible with Ubuntu 14.04. In order to start with the right foot we will use the puppet module generate command and use the included rspec gem to test our clases. Then we will use the beaker gem to run acceptance tests by generating a virtual machine, applying our module an testing for expected outcome.

I will do my development from inside a Vagrant box running Puppet 4.2.2 and Ruby 2.2.1.

Ready? Here we go...