Profiles as Defined Resources

The previous examples were written with the assumption that your profile will only be used once per role.

In case your are in need to write a role that uses your profile several times with different values, you will get a "you can not define resource twice" error from Puppet.

To avoid this, the profile should be written as a custom resource.

Going back to our Wordpress example. I we where to do:

# mysharesite/manifest/init.pp
class mysharedsite{
    name => '',

    name => '',

This would fail with a Error: Duplicate declaration: ... is already declared in file ...; cannot re declare at ... on node ... error.

If we want to avoid this, our wordpress profile should be re written as a custom resource. The concept behind what the profile does remains the same. We just need some syntax re adjustments.

A modified version of the wordpress module would move the host configuration to a different file. The wordpress class changes to becomes just a place holder for the namespace. And any client modules will change to use our new wordpress::host resource.

# wordpress/manifests/init.pp
class wordpress {

# wordpress/manifests/install.pp
class wordpress::install {
  include apache
  include php

# wordpress/manifests/site.pp
define wordpress::host (
  site_name => 'default', 
  include wordpress::install

# mysharedsite/manifests/init.pp
class mysharedsite{
