Masterless Deployment

By using librarian-puppet you can have your a "masterless" deployment strategy for your roles.

In our example, the role has one private dependency:

  1. The wordpress profile

And the wordpress profile has two public dependencies:

  1. The apache module
  2. And, the php module

If both hotdogcom role and and wordpress profile are using a Puppetfile to declare their dependencies, we can run the librarian-puppet install command, and librarian-puppet would take care of downloading all the necessary modules into your Puppet modules directory.

The hotdogcom role's Puppetfile might look like this:

forge ""

mod 'afriend-nagios', "1.1.0"
mod 'someguy-graphana', "0.0.3"

mod 'mycompany-wordpress',
  :git => "git://",
  :ref => "0.1.0"

And the wordpress role's like this:

forge ""

mod 'nerd-apache', "2.1.1"
mod 'geek-php', "4.1.3"

Deploying roles with librarian-puppet has a great advantage over the traditional Puppet Master approach. By using the git flow methodololy, combined with the dependency declaration of the Puppetfile, we can generate a new deployment scenario for both for our current module as with it's dependencies.

For example. If our hotdogcom role needed an upgrade from its nagios dependency, we could generate a feature branch and update our Puppetfile with the new experimental version of the nagios module. Then we can run the necessary tests and see how the host would be affected. And only when we are sure the tests are passing we then generate a new release of the role and roll it to production.